Monitor the latest Council Meetings, Commission subcommittees, Planning Commission, and Public Hearings influencing regulations, taxes, and ordinances in a jurisdiction.
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Monitor the latest Council Meetings, Commission subcommittees, Planning Commission, and Public Hearings influencing regulations, taxes, and ordinances in a jurisdiction.
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You can search for the latest & upcoming government meetings impacting short-term & vacation rentals.
Local Council is the local town or city council that represents the citizens of a jurisdiction. They are usually responsible for discussing, proposing, and voting on regulations & ordinances that govern short-term or vacation rentals in their community. A few example names include City Council, Board of Alderman, and Town Supervisors.
County Commission are the county level (usually compromised of multiple towns or cities) body that represents their communities. They often have regulatory and ordinance power outside of towns and cities (unincorporated areas); however, their taxing authority usually extends to the entire county. A few example names include County Commission, Board of Supervisors.
Planning Commission
Public Hearing
Advisory Committee is a group of community members usually appointed by the mayor, city or county manager, or local council or commission to advise the local government on what the community wants to see regarding short-term or vacation rental regulations. These are oftentimes temporary and disband after providing recommendations; however, some long standing vacation rental communities have permanent advisory committees.
We standardize the information we track across meeting types to make it easier to find what you're looking for (and to make our analysis easier). Here is what you can expect from us:
Meeting Title
Link to additional information from either the local government or nearby news source
Date & Time ex. Oct, 16 2023 - 5:30 PM
Location - Usually a town, city, or county level government. Occasionally state and regional meetings are included as well.
Vote scheduled? is a vote scheduled for this meeting that impacts short-term or vacation rentals? If we have confirmation of this it will be provided as "Vote Scheduled", "TBD", or "Vote not yet scheduled".
Agenda local governments are usually required to provide a record (usually a few pages long) of what is expected to occur at the upcoming meeting. These are usually referred to as agendas, and they help you understand what to expect to be discussed at a meeting.
Minutes local governments often times provide a reporting of what occurred at a meeting. Sometimes these are posted within a few days, often times within a few weeks, and occasionally can take months to be posted. These let you know what happened at a meeting, including votes and discussion items. Minutes & recordings are great resources to determine what happened at a meeting if you were unable to attend.
Live video before a meeting occurs if there is a link to a live stream (YouTube, Zoom, public broadcast, or self hosted by the local government) it is provided. This information is no longer provided after the meeting occurs, because these links often no longer work afterwards.
Recording after a meeting is completed if there is a recording provided it will be linked to as part of the calendar record for users to access.